Sramana Mitra – Books & Some pages

Last Saturday I visited starmark and spent some good hours after some really long time. The only condition was “NO SPENDING AT ALL”. The days of Rs 5000 per month on books are over (Thanks to the companies that allowed me the luxury that time). Now my total income per month is less than Rs 5000 🙂 …. Things are good at my end, its good to work on some of the interesting things. Anyway, at starmark I stumbled upon Sramana Mitra’s books, I fell in love with it. I spent few hours and most of the time, I am going back to her book. I liked the true experiences of Entrepreneurs.

Since I am on a very strict budget (I even forgot my atm card number time as taking money out of ATM is a rare occasion these days), I ended up buying one book (Old habits don’t die easily), book on insurance (I bought it as it was written by someone whom I trust).

So issues, I will be buying her book soon :). For the time being one should not miss this page Thanks for all your hard work in providing so much information for all of us. Thanks again.